Working memory is the ability to store and manipulate information in mind to guide behaviour. This mental buffer is limited in how much it can store and, initially, it was thought to be highly inflexible. Our research played a pivotal role in recasting working memory as a highly flexible system, by demonstrating that it is possible to focus selectively and interchangeably on individual objects in mind to guide adaptive behaviour. More broadly, our research promotes the view of working memory as a functional bridging system (and not just as a representational store), prioritising and selecting temporarily stored information in the service of future behaviour. 

Current topics of research include:

  • Using VR to understand how and when we rely on working memory during natural, immersive behaviour
  • Using peripheral markers (such as gaze bias and pupillometry) to investigate the workings and properties of selective attention in working memory
  • How information about prospective action is encoded and deployed in working memory

Theoretical perspectives:

Key empirical contributions: